Why You Should Target Zero Search Volume Keywords

why you should target zero search volume keywords
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Do you think you will get traffic and customers if you target low search volume keywords? If your answer is yes, how low to still get customers? 150 searches/month? 100 searches/month? Is it still work if you go as low as zero searches/month?

Most businesses avoid these zero search volume keywords as they think that no one will search for those keywords. It might be true. However, you can target these keywords and still get paying customers without competition. 

What Are Zero Search Volume Keywords?

These search keywords are unwavering long queries that no tools provide information on when someone searches. In other words, these keywords have low search volume. These queries are exact and are longer than keywords.

zero search volume keywords

For instance, the keyword “weather” has millions of searches on the internet. However, if you specify your queries, the competition gets less and less.

See Also: Keyword Research: A Complete Guide To Finding The Right Keywords That Rank

Benefits Of Targeting Zero Search Volume Keywords

Though a search keyword has zero search volume, it doesn’t imply that it will get zero searches. But it doesn’t mean that all keywords with zero volume will bring traffic to your site. 

It would be best if you were wise to know which low-volume keywords are worth investing your time and money into. So let’s look at why you should target zero search volume keywords.

Less Or No Competition

Many businesses avoid using zero-volume keywords because they think no one will search them on the internet. This will give you an upper hand over your competitors as they will not target these low-volume keywords. 

There is an excellent chance that your website will rank higher if you target zero search volume keywords due to less competition.

Target The Right Audience

These zero-volume keywords are super focused and relevant to your target audience. Your website can be the first to answer these queries giving you authority over the subject.  

There is no sufficient data on how many people will search these keywords. But you will eventually know what your target audience wants based on these queries. Furthermore, you can get to know what data is missing from your content that could be important for user knowledge. 

Though you will not get millions of customers initially, you will surely get some loyal customers who are ready to convert.

See Also: Google Search Trends Show How Customer Expectations Are Changing

Generate Traffic

If your business benefits from high-volume keywords, then it may be the time that you should turn to zero-volume keywords. 15% of queries on google have never been answered, so there might be good chances that you are at a loss of that 15% audience.

generate traffic

 If you target these zero-volume keywords, people with long queries will likely click on your website. As other businesses do not target these keywords, it will help you to get more organic clicks.


So that’s it. Now you know that using zero-volume keywords is not a waste of time, and many well-established companies have taken advantage of these keywords. We have seen many reasons these long tail queries pay off in generating organic clicks and valuable traffic. 

Knowing that every website has pros and cons for attracting traffic and organic searches for particular content is crucial.

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