Amazon has come a long way since its Inception.
It’s the No 1 shopping Search Engine in 2018.
If you know about Google SEO, Then it does not mean that you can dominate Amazon Internal Search Results.
This posts talks about how Amazon Internal Search works and how you can dominate Amazon search results with simple yet powerful techniques.
Special Note:
This post is about ranking your Amazon Product in Amazon Search Results.
This post is not about Raking an amazon Product Page in Google Search Results. I have written different post for it. You can read that here.
- 1 Amazon A9 Algorithm- What is it?
- 2 Core Pillars:
- 3
- 4 Why You Need to Understand the Algorithm:
- 5 How to Optimize Your Listing For Amazon SEO (A9 Algorithm)?
- 5.1 1. Product Title:
- 5.2
- 5.3 2. The Bullet Points for the Product Features:
- 5.4
- 5.5 3. The Product Description:
- 5.6
- 5.7 4.The Backend Search Terms:
- 5.8 (1)Customer Reviews:
- 5.9 (2)Sales Rank:
- 5.10 (3)Quality and Size of Images:
- 5.11 (4)List of Answered Questions:
- 5.12 (5)Parent-Child Products:
- 5.13 (6)Price:
- 5.14 (7)Completeness of Product Listings:
- 5.15 (8)Bounce Rate and Time on Page:
- 6 How to Check My Product Ranking in Amazon?
Amazon A9 Algorithm- What is it?
Amazon A9 algorithm is what sits behind the platform’s search box, determining the products to recommend to potential buyers.
The algorithm makes use of data obtained from thousands of search queries that people have made online. Product recommendations are influenced by factors such as shopping preferences of customers and previous purchases, among other factors.
When you conduct a product search on Amazon, you’ll get results through a process that involves two steps:
- Relevant results are first pulled from their respective catalogs.
- They are ranked depending on three main factors- conversion rate, retention and satisfaction of customers and relevancy.
Core Pillars:
Amazon’s A9 algorithm consists of three main pillars- conversion rate, retention and satisfaction of customers and relevancy.
1.Conversion rate– Best sellers’ rank, completeness of product listing, customer reviews, bounce rate, answered questions, parent-children products, quality & size of images and price are some of the main factors that determine rate of conversion.
2. Retention and satisfaction of customers– If customers keep buying specific products instead of buying others and/or express their satisfaction, then the products are undoubtedly superior.
[click_to_tweet tweet=”How to Rank #3 or Even Higher on Amazon” quote=”How to Rank #3 or Even Higher on Amazon”]Factors that determine how much customers are retained and satisfied include; negative seller feedback, exit rate, speed of order processing, order defect rate, inventory rate and perfect order percentage.
Amazon knows that making customers happy and retaining them is the secret to making customers spend their money
3. Relevancy factors- these are factors that inform Amazon’s A9 algorithm when to consider product pages for subsequent search results. They include: product title, search terms, bullet points, sub-categories & categories, product description, specifications as well as part number of manufacturer and brand.
Why You Need to Understand the Algorithm:
It is very important for sellers to optimize their listings for the platform’s internal search.
This is because about 70% of shoppers on Amazon do not go beyond the first page.
Approximately 65% of all visitors purchase one of the first three listed products, whilst 35% buy the first listed product.
so if you can dominate first three listings, You can sell big time on Amazon.
How to Optimize Your Listing For Amazon SEO (A9 Algorithm)?
Amazon SEO is a world in itself. Its totally different from Google SEO.
For Google, You may remain on top even if you are not making sales. In Amazon, If you are on top and you fail to convert, You would not remain in top.
As they said, Its more about Conversions in Amazon as it’s a Buyers Platform. People come here to buy, Not to just search and improve their knowledge!
These are the three major factors if you want to rank your amazon Product Page on top of Search results page.
1. Visibility
2. Relevance
3. Conversions
Let’s dive into optimizing your product listing for these factors.
I am covering these 4 Points under On Page Factors of Amazon SEO. If you can concentrate on these factors, They can work towards visibility, relevance and conversation of your Amazon Product page.
1. Product Title:
The title has the greatest effect on Amazon in terms of positioning and permeability.
This, as well as impacts the click though rates (and the subsequent transformation).
As indicated by Amazon best practices, here are a few thoughts of what you ought to incorporate into your title:
- Title of the product
- Brand
- Material
- Key Function
- Kind of product
- Color
- Size
Notwithstanding these essential ideas, here are some more tips on upgrading your title:
– Do not over do the keywords. Cling to 2-3 keywords and get them early in your title
In short, try to upgrade your title to cover all the different type of title length on Amazon.
- Organic outcomes 115-144 characters
- Right rail advertisements have around 30-33 characters
- Mobile titles have between 55-63 characters
2. The Bullet Points for the Product Features:
The product features segment has less weight with regards to Amazon SEO and the keyword positioning, so change your principle focus towards buyers here.
[click_to_tweet tweet=”How to Rank #3 or Even Higher on Amazon” quote=”How to Rank #3 or Even Higher on Amazon”]
Giving solid articulations that emphasis on client benefits and connecting them to product determinations work best here. It can likewise incorporate a certification, key preferences over different products and one of a kind points of an offer. Here are some snappy tips to improve the features of the product:
- Keep the Focus on the advantages for the client, not on the details
- Make the initial part of each Section in capital letters to catch the purchaser’s consideration
- Keep them short, go for around 155-210 characters
- Try to relate your product to the customer’s way of life and conquer their objections
3. The Product Description:
Once more, this segment has less effect on Amazon SEO yet greatly affects conversions, so it is smarter to focus on the conversion here as well.
Rather than essentially telling features of your product, tell a unique story or idea behind your product and brand.
Show people precisely how this product can enhance their lives. More tips to utilize when composing the description of your product include:
- Focus on the production of an intriguing account that pulls in perusers
- Includes a solid suggestion to take action toward the end like ‘Purchase now’ or ‘Request today’
4.The Backend Search Terms:
This segment is entirely identified with Amazon SEO and keyword rankings.
The back-end search terms is an awesome place to enter all the purchaser keywords you may have missed in your product list.
[click_to_tweet tweet=”How to Rank #3 or Even Higher on Amazon” quote=”How to Rank #3 or Even Higher on Amazon”]It isn’t visisble to clients, however, Amazon indexes them all, so you can fill in keywords here without thinking about how people would read them.
You are given 5 fields to write, however, it has been shown that lone 250 characters are indexed.
No requirement for accentuation, rehashed words, words in particular or plural since Amazon as of now has it secured. Here are some more tips to streamline your back-end search terms:
- Â Includes normal spelling mistakes
- Â You don’t have to copy keywords from your rundown
You can easily increase the sales of your product by increasing their ranking on Amazon. It can help in attracting more prospective customers to search for your products while surfing online.
There are certain factors that can help in improving your conversion rate and ranking on Amazon.
Some of the important and effective conversion rate factors may include:
(1)Customer Reviews:
The quality and number of reviews received by you from the customers of your products can play a great role in improving you ranking on Amazon.
Customer reviews play great role in improving your conversion rate as new visitors usually read them before buying any product.
(2)Sales Rank:
The best Seller Rank of Amazon is also known as Sales rank.
This factor is important for improving the ranking of your products on Amazon.
The ranking of your product on Amazon is directly linked with the sales of your product as more sales can provide your product higher ranking and higher ranking can help in increasing your sales.
(3)Quality and Size of Images:
In order to avoid suppression of the listing of their products the sellers should follow the guidelines of Amazon regarding the display of images.
You can use the zoom feature to display images at least of 1,000 x 1,000 pixels to improve their quality so that the buyers of your products can easily see their details.
(4)List of Answered Questions:
It is important to display the questions of your customers answered by you on the top of the page of your product as they can play a good role in increasing your conversion rate.
(5)Parent-Child Products:
You can easily direct customers to visit a page with single product just by using the parent-child product functionality of Amazon.
This parent-child relationship can help in increasing the number of reviews from the existing as well as new customers, converted from the visitors.
The price of your products can also influence the rate of conversion as well as sales of your products as it is one of the most important factors that can encourage people to buy anything.
(7)Completeness of Product Listings:
You can increase the chances of selling your products by completing their listing.
[click_to_tweet tweet=”How to Rank #3 or Even Higher on Amazon” quote=”How to Rank #3 or Even Higher on Amazon”]While filling the listing page set by Amazon you should complete its every field. I have already covered it in the last set of Points under On Page SEO Factors for Amazon Rankings.
(8)Bounce Rate and Time on Page:
Amazon will know the interest of the customers in your products by knowing the amount of time they have spent on your product listing.
How to Check My Product Ranking in Amazon?
If you are following a good Amazon SEO Strategy, You would be tempted to check your product rankings in Amazon now and then.
Amazon does not provide any official tool to check your product rankings.
First you need to make sure that Amazon has indexed your product or not.
It can be done manually. You can just use your {ASIN) + Keyword in Amazon Search BOX and you would get to know that Amazon has indexed your product or not.
If the product is Indexed, You can manually scroll down to the bottom of the page or to another pages to see your product listing. But as you can understand, it can be a tiresome job.
There are few tool which can do the job quicker for you.
(A) splitly:
You can track a hell lot of keyword with this tool on daily basis. Its a set and forget system. There are other tools as well to optimize your listing in this.
(B) amztracker:
You can track your rankings in Amazon with it. You can even track what your competitors are doing with this tool.