You must have heard the term ” Change is the only constant”. Just like everything else, We keep on updating things for betterment.The new Version of Lady Gaga with 6 Type of Anchor texts is going live today.
Two Major Changes in the new Version:
(A)There would be total 6 type of anchor texts in the new version.The anchor text module would look like this:
(B):We have increased the no of sites we used for indexing purpose from 1 to 4. The indexing module would look like this now:
Described by some clients as the “The most powerful diversified link building method ever sold” on bhw, Lady Gaga version 4 would take would take you on an amazing journey of complete Google domination.
Other Changes in the new Version:
(A)We have added 200 web sites with avg PA/DA 50+ in the current lot.The reason being,The PR is dead now,so we are moving our database from PR to DA/PA/TF basis. We are not completely taking off the PR metrics for now. But in the coming versions you would only find DA/PA/TF.
(B) Blogger and Livejournal would be there for everybody in the first tier links now.
(C) We have added 20 new .edu sites. We recently got access to those sites.
I am offering 3 free review copies and then 10 copies at 50% discount for the new version. Here is the code for 50% discount: LADY4
This is the link to the thread and direct order form.