5 Twitter Marketing Tips from Experts

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I have started using Twitter as a marketing handle for my own business from quite a time now.

Actually the inadvertent growth of technology has rendered the social media a marketing hub for many businesses, be it small or large. However, twitter has taken the center-stage, and if utilized well, it is a powerful marketing platform that can enable a business reach its customer base in the most effective way. The following are essential twitter marketing tips that today’s businesses need to embrace in order to make the most in this field. Lets go straight into it:


twitter Marketing Tips

Using Catchy Descriptions:

Avoid the use of simple headlines when making your tweets, this have low chances of catching the glimpse of viewers. Rather, provide an appealing description of the information you want to pass to your customers. For instance, adding a question to your tweet can spark curiosity among your followers, hence compelling them to click on the a link you will provide for your tweets.

Organizing your Connections into Lists:

As your twitter connections build on daily basis, it is important to organize your connections into a data lists. They can be new followers/customers and also prospective/existing customers. You can make this better by listing down their email addresses alongside their twitter handles. This enables you communicate with them on regular basis, and get to understand their various tweets, which is typically a direct reflection of their needs.

Optimize your Tweets with Images:

Images are known to pass information three times as words can do. Hence, it is at your own discretion to optimize your tweets with relevant images to the tweet. This boosts the ability of a tweet to be shared and even re-tweeted by your followers. More encouraging, is the fact that customers will tend to click on links provided at your tweets just to get the full information in regard to the repository image.



Tweet at the Right Frequency:

In order to stand out in your marketing ventures, it is important to tweet at multiple times and maintain your momentum. However, you should not overwhelm your audience with excessive tweets, while at the same time don’t let them forget your business by tweeting om seldom basis. The ideal tweeting frequency might vary from business to business, but sure enough you should tweet at least two times on daily basis.

Follow Industry Leaders:

Your business is not an island, and in order to survive even better, you should follow the movers and shakers in your line of trade. This will help a great deal to keeping you informed about the latest trends in the industry. Furthermore, you will get insights that will built your business, and even implement the ideas in your current and future marketing prospects.

Finally, by implementing the above marketing strategies, you will develop a strong social media connection thus re-inventing your campaign wheel. The above twitter marketing tips will go a long way to making your business prosper. Let me know if you have questions about any of the above thing.

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