Cracked A PPD Site in 40 Days!

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Lately, I have been working on Kindle (link to my first ever kindle) and PPD sites. And day before yesterday, I cracked the code for one of my PPD site in plain 40 days. Lets go into details:




I bought this domain in Mid July 2014, though It did have great back links to back it up but it has the age. The great thing about the domain was, It was 5 years old domain. The domain was just a generic domain without any kind of niche keywords in it.

On Page:

I had my main keyword in the title of the page along with brand name. The title came out like this:

Main Keyword | Brand Name

I put 450-500 words content on the home page. I did not care about the Keyword density (it must be around 1%) and made the focused on compelling content.

Retweets And Fb Shares:

for the first week, I send out few re tweets and shared the site on Facebook ( got few shares as well)


back Link Profile


Here’s come the astonishing part. I had one newly built blog Network with few posts on it. I got 38 Unique content written and posted them on the network.


Tiered Links:


I did not make any single link to those Blog Posts. I never did any type of tiered links to my main site.


Anchor Text:

I used total of 32 Links with Exact Anchor Keyword and for rest of the links, I went for Naked URLs.


The Site has been ranking at #3 from 2 days Now.

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