Category: Google Updates

Google crawler

Google Introduces New Crawler To Optimize GoogleBot’s Performance

Google’s Gary Illye announced that Google had added a new crawler called GoogleOther to alleviate strain from GoogleBot. GoogleOther is a new crawler to optimize GoogleBot.GoogleOther will be similar in infrastructure to Google Bot, lifting some R&D strain off GoogleBot. It will ensure that GoogleBot works better towards improving the search index only. Let us look into what GoogleOther is and

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eco-friendly search engines

Eco-Friendly Search Engines: Making A Difference One Search At A Time

Did you know that each Google search produces 0.2 grams of carbon dioxide? It excludes the technological resources used to set up an ecosystem or search engine. Thus, with the ever-increasing environmental threat, eco-friendly search engines have emerged to help make web browsing environment-friendly: one search at a time. Some eco-friendly search engines are Ecosia, Ekoru, OceanHero, Rapusia, Elliot for

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Keyword Ranking Drops

Google’s Gary Illyes On Sudden Keyword Ranking Drops

SEO is king in the realm of internet marketing. The success of a website depends on how visible it is on search engine results pages. When a website owner saw their site vanish from the list of results for a certain term, they were worried, and it makes sense. Analyst Gary Illyes discussed the topic at Google’s SEO Office Hours,

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Staging Sites

Google On Staging Sites And Preventing Accidental Indexing

Millions of individuals now use Google as their primary search engine, which is hardly surprising given its wealth of information and resources. However, it is understandably easy to forget the importance of controlling what Google indexes. In this article, we will examine Google’s stance on staging sites and how they prevent accidental indexing. We will also discuss the benefits of

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Google's John Mueller

Google’s John Mueller On Links From News Sites

In a Twitter conversation regarding the alleged ranking influence of links from news sites, Google’s John Mueller gave an alternative method of thinking about how Google evaluates those links. Links from Viral Public Relations Campaigns Many SEOs contacted Patrick personally to give case studies of their successful PR news initiatives and how they worked for SEO. However, Patrick stated that

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