Know Why Google Ranks Plagiarism Over Original Content

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Can Google identify between original work and plagiarized work? Why does google ranks plagiarism over original content? Get answers to all of these questions here!

google ranks plagiarism over original content

In a Google SEO Office-hours chat, learn why Google may rank plagiarism over original content. 

Why Is The Website Copying Content From Me Ranks Better?

In response to a question asked why an article thief may have a higher rating than the original content’s publisher, we mentioned in this post that this might happen when the actual content’s publisher is of low quality.

why is the website copying content from me ranks better
Why is the website copying content from me ranks better

Another site with plagiarized content has surpassed the original in search engine rankings.

The user questioned, “Can you tell me if somebody that constantly copies my material and ranks better than us, what variables should we consider or what action should we take?”

The particular guy who asked the inquiry was concerned that a rival who had stolen their content would outrank them. He wanted to know if Google could identify the difference between an original work and one that had been copied and pasted into another website.

DMCA Is A Legal Measure

A reporter initially planned to file a complaint by the Law on Digital Millennium (DMCA). The person who requested the survey then questioned if Google could tell the difference between original content and plagiarism.

Google’s John Muller started his answer with confirmation that Google can find out which website is the source of the material.

Why Google Ranks Plagiarism Over Original Content?

Then he explained why, in some cases, Google might give a plagiarizer a better position than the original content’s source.


From his perspective, “It’s something we can control to a significant extent. Even though we know the original and the copy, it’s occasionally helpful to display a copy in the search results. So it’s something that appears to be a possibility.”

And one of the circumstances where I’ve seen this happen frequently is when a website’s overall quality is low, and our systems say, “Well, we don’t trust this website.

If, on the other hand, a higher-quality website took some of this stuff and published it, we’d say, “Well, we know more about this website, and perhaps we should show this content in the search results.”

What Makes A Website Untrustworthy To Google?

For several reasons, Google may not trust a website. If Google ranks plagiarism over original content, the issue is most likely not with the content.

Thus it’s acceptable to disregard content as a quality issue. Low-quality incoming and outgoing connections are what’s left, and they’re one of the most significant quality issues.

is your site trustworthy
Is your site trustworthy?

Perhaps the most crucial quality issues are inbound and outgoing connectivity, as well as the material itself. The domain has been poisoned in a few cases after it is used for spam.

That’s a past penalty that does not appear in Google Search Console but can hinder a site from ranking its target keywords.

The site may show and rank for its domain name once a month, but it will vanish from the search results after a few days. John Mueller suggested that the person who asked the question provide the domain to him to include it in the article above.

If another site outranks yours with your material .i.e., if google ranks plagiarism over original content, it may be essential to analyze quality signals.


So, this was it about how and why Google ranks plagiarism over original content. We hope we were able to provide you with the required information properly. Let us know if you have any queries in the comments section below. We would love to solve them all for you!

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