New Websites Not Showing Up? There Might Be A Problem With Google

new websites not showing up
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It’s a lovely morning. You grab your cup of coffee and start browsing Google to take a look at your newly published content. But suddenly, you see that none of your content is showing in the search results. You encounter new websites not showing up. And your day is ruined.

Well, you are not alone. A lot of people have faced this issue. But no need to worry as Google has confirmed a serving issue with Google search results, and they will fix it soon.

new webistes not showing up
new webistes not showing up

Google spoke about this issue on the Google Search Central Twitter page on December 16th, and according to them, the problem will be resolved within twelve hours. This issue started around 4:30 A.M ET and lasted for some hours.

New Websites Not Showing Up?

At around 4:30 A.M. ET, many people reported some issues related to indexing and crawling or serving new content from publishers – both significant and small. Google wasn’t showing any new content from any publisher. Many people encountered new websites not showing up.

google search results
google search results

Around 6:30 A.M. ET, the issues of some people were resolved. And during that time, Google officially confirmed that this issue was going on.

At about 11:30 A.M. ET, the issue was finally resolved. Google Search Central replied to the original tweet, saying that they fixed the problem, and now we can view the newly published URLs. They also said that there would be no more updates regarding this matter.


The issue of new websites not showing up happened and was resolved on December 16th. However, it may happen again as well. In such cases, try to insert your content into Google Search using the Search Console.

Also, you can use social media, email marketing, direct traffic, and several other means to bring people to your site in case Google isn’t working correctly.

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