Original Page Titles Still Used by Google for Search Ranking

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Google expert John Mueller has stated that Google still uses the original page titles for search rankings and SERPs. The latest algorithm change in Google Title Tags had many users wondering if the device-optimized titles would change how a page ranks on search engines. 

The September 3rd, 2021’s statement by Mueller states that despite changes in titles shown, Google only considers the original title for ranking purposes.

john mueller
John Mueller – Google

John Mueller, a Google expert, also frequently answers Ask Google Expert. It is an initiative to make Google a bit more understandable to the common brain. 

Title Tags Update

Google’s latest title change update optimizes page titles to be more relevant to the search. They are also adapted to fit better on mobile screens. Thus, desktop devices can seem to have differently modified page titles for the same page on mobile devices. 

The update raised a lot of confusion worldwide as users wondered if the newly modified titles would also affect search rankings. These advanced title updates can better or worsen page click-through rates. A way to check this is to see what changes in the modified title bring about the altered click-through rates. 

Consequently, a concerned Google user asked if the original titles bestowed to pages are still the considering factor for page rankings. Especially, users wondered if the title would hold any merit if not shown in the search page results. Previously, titles and metadata descriptions were two significant factors affecting page rankings. 

Fortunately enough, original titles remain to be the determinants of search page rankings. 

Page Titles and Google Search Ranking

Mueller said:

“Yes. At least that’s the way it is at the moment.” He continued, “You never know how these things evolve, but at least at the moment, it is the case that we continue to use what you have in your title tag, in your title element, as something that we can use for ranking.”

So, if your page titles contain major trafficking driving or significant SEO keywords, they continue to play an important role. Even if the keywords are not there in the newly modified titles. The Google algorithm will still see through it and will hold it in merit. 

search ranking

However, according to Mueller, the changes are stationary at best. Google updates their algorithms consistently. Hence, while the original title pages are still important, we never know how long they will continue to do so. 

Moreover, Mueller added,

“It’s not like something that replaces everything for the website, but it is a factor that we use in there. Even if when we display the title for your page, we swap out maybe that one keyword that you care about, we would still use that for ranking.”

Another factor to consider is that web owners should not change their original titles to what Google has been showing. The updated titles don’t need any better optimized than the original ones. If anything, changing the titles could affect the page rankings adversely. 

See also: Google Says Title Changes Don’t Impact Rankings

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