The SEO game has gone bigger with Penguin 4.0. Google officially announced the release of real time Penguin 4.0 as part of their core algorithm.
The roll out has been completed and here are our take away from it.
Real Time:
Penguin used to come and go every three month. So if somebody lost rankings in an update, he has to wait for next penguin update to get back the rankings.
So it was a slow process to get the rankings back.
With Penguin 4.0 going real time, You can lose the ranking a day and next time when Google crawls your site, it can come back as well. so process is pretty faster now.
More Granular:
Normally Penguin used to hit a whole site. But with Penguin 4.0, it can be page specific. so instead of getting a side wide penalty, it can be limited to specific page or sub folder. So this is something good for huge site owners specially E-Commerce sites.
Building Links after Penguin 4.0?
Let me ask you, How many new customers would you get today, if you ranked #1 for your top search terms? (Hint: A lot!)
Now ask yourself this..
Can I Link Spam to rank in Penguin 4.0 Era?
Answer is: A BIG NO!
But it does not mean Links wont Work. They work and they would keep on working great if you know how to use them.
So, what is your strategy for uncovering penguin 4.0 secrets and dominating for the most profitable keywords for your website?
How much revenue are you leaving on the table, because your customers can’t find your product among a sea of competitors?
Here’s the honest truth.
Diversity Links rock!
The twist is, You need to include as many URLs from your site as possible for various type of anchor text.
Dont forget to use those 6 type of anchor texts which I discussed in one of my post here.
Links with Unique Content : Are must have!
Content is still Kind when its Unique and informative.
Go for blog post with unique content or web 2.0 submissions with unique content and thing would be working for you as they use to.
Stop wasting time with quick-fix tactics like:
(A) Spamming Google with Exact Anchor text
(B) Building Links only for the Home Page
(B) Spending thousands of dollars trying to game though SAPE Links.
(D) Or worst of all, doing nothing and hoping your target audience will just find their way to you!!