The year 2017 ended on a high note with many business cropping up on the digital space. 2018 is going to be Huge!
Many business establishments have adopted the SEO practices that will lead to making a big mark on the online space. If you are an entrepreneur eager to establish your brand in the competitive digital world, then you must have realized the importance of Search Engine Optimization that improves the visibility of your product.
So, it is now the right time to wonder about the future of SEO as search engines like Google and Bing are getting smarter with voice-activated searches and answering of queries on search pages directly.
You may wonder that these hot trends may cause harm to the SEO of your website?But, stay calm as these trends can never harm the visibility of your website as the search engines are trying hard to satisfy their customers. If you are interested to know the techniques that can make your website ranking higher, then you need to keep these things in your mind.
Mobile Friendliness:
People have no access to Android phones that supports the internet feature, so everyone is on a mobile phone. They can access information anytime, anywhere using the mobile phones that are now more popular than desktops. Many websites have launched their online business knowing the rising trend of mobile phones. You should also know the importance of mobile for your business.
The Google also supports the open project Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), which enables the creation of web pages that is accessible across platforms. It has led to the increase in creating websites, blogs, and articles that has high performance on the mobile platform.
These pages load faster when clicked from the search results that enhance the user experience People like such website that also improves the SEO of the website.The features will increase your popularity among people and make it accessible to larger masses.
[clickToTweet tweet=”SEO in 2018 (The Absolute Right Way)” quote=”SEO in 2018 (The Absolute Right Way)”]Voice Search:
The development in technology has facilitated the addition of voice recognition software on mobile phones and speakers.
It has led to a rise in people using the voice-activated search that is taking the world by storm. It is a convenient way to get answers to queries that helps people who are busy to type.
Most of the Voice Search Results will open in a featured snippet. So having highly Structured and text heavy content along with increasing the ranking, you get the bonus that enables the results read out as voice results.
Encrypted Platform (htpps):
The business brands have realized the potential of a business website that will gain them more customers on the digital platform.
Have you noticed that the top results returned by the search engines have HTTPS?
The HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure) ensures the safe connection over the internet. A website upgrades itself to the secure category by attaining the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificate that will make the communication secure with integrity.
A search engine like Google loves an encrypted website that is safe for viewers. The Search Engine Results Page (SERP) have also shown an upward trend in the HTTPS sites and is expected to increase to new levels.Others browsers like Chrome has also started to implement the no HTTP policy to dissuade people from browsing non-encrypted websites. So, make sure your website is well secured using the HTTPS protocol. And you might end up ranking higher from non https sites.
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User-Focused Results:
The results users get while searching for query on the Google is delivered by the Rank Brain.
It is the artificial intelligence algorithm that sorts through the results and finds the relevant information for the query.
It is the important signal that improves the SEO results of a web page as Rank Brain refines results to suit the query perfectly.
Friendly Advice:Â Instead of going behind the high ranking keywords, you can see the auto-suggest results. It gives you an idea about what the Google expects as results of the query.You can develop a content based on the suggestion that will improve the search result. If top results of a query show the same trend of results, then it means that Google supports such pages more.
Additional SERP Features:
The SERP features provide rich snippets that add visual appeal to the existing search results.
So, people view more than the title of the website, its URL or description. So, viewers can see the rating of a product, get an answer for queries directly or get Google map.
These results can attract people immensely that leads to more organic traffic.The tailored Solution: You can concentrate on creating FAQ page that will answer queries from your customers. It will assist in connecting with them on a personal level. While responding to the queries, it is advisable to answer it in the first para.
Another option is to start a blog that will have details the customers wish to know elaborately. Focusing on the local SEO will aid you in improving the visibility of the website.
The right SEO solution can create wonders for your business as it knows the current trends of the marketing that can make your website rank higher.Rule 2018 with the best SEO strategies that can make your business presence known in the internet world.