Google Affirms Change In How It Creates Titles For Search Result Listings

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As Google has announced the introduction of a new system for generating titles for the web pages, since then, it has become a topic of discussion. It has clearly stated that the working of the search engine has significantly changed as the way it creates titles for search result listings. What are the changes, and are these changes positive? 

Titles For Search Result Listings
Titles For Search Result Listings

The Changes In Google’s Titles For Search Result Listings

Let’s welcome the changes wholeheartedly as gone are those days when Google used the query the searcher entered into the search box while formulating the title of the search result snippets. According to the changes implemented, Google will not be using the query while making the titles.

As stated by Google, now it will use the text that humans can visually witness when they arrive at a web page. 

To be more precise, Google is now considering “the main visual title or headline shown on a page.” While putting this into the framework, the company explained that this refers to the content site owners place within <H1> tags. These are also included with other header tags and are made large and prominent through the use of style treatments. 

HTML Title Tags Will Still Be On The Focus

Google mentioned that HTML tags are not always successful in giving a well-depth knowledge about a page. Title tags can often be very long, stuffed with keywords, and contain repetitive “boilerplate” language. Therefore, through the commencement of this new update, Google aims to produce more readable and accessible titles for pages. 


HTML tags list (with 100s of example)
Source –

Google stated that the search company is making clarifications on the new title system based on the feedback and has promised to invest more in making it better over time. Danny Sullivan of Google said that he has been dealing with the brunt of the feedback, and he mainly specified a few of the significant improvements.

The first includes ways to make sure the snippets show the relevant and beneficial clickable titles. Second, it aims to provide a mechanism for the site owners to communicate to Google via Search Console when the title isn’t appropriate. 

The Objective Behind The Change

 In the words of the company, “Our testing shows the change we’ve introduced produces titles that are more comprehensible and preferred by searchers compared to our old system.” Therefore, we can conclude by saying that the changes can be positive and will bring about a change. 

Also Read: Google’s tool to report indexing bugs is now available in the U.S.

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