Google Title Tag Update Casualties Lose Search Traffic

Google Title Tag Update
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The latest announcements stating the Google Title Tag update trembled the world, and people started referring to it as the Titleapocalypse. Observation reveals that for under 20% of search results, Google does not present publisher title tags.

 As a consequence of the update, numerous sites are witnessing a decline in traffic. Poorly rewritten titles in the SERPs is one strong reason for losing traffic. As a result, marketers have begun referring to Google’s Title Tag Update as Titleapocalypse.

Casualty discovered in Google’s Title Tag Update

On 26th August, Lily Ray took to Twitter and expressed a casualty she observed in Google’s Title Tag Update. She tweeted that the clicks decreased by over 60,000 in the past few weeks.

The search marketer has mentioned that the average position stayed the same, as outcome sites have fallen traffic.

Lily Ray declared Google’s Title Tag Update Titleapocalypse

Google Title Tag Update
Google Title Tag Update

See also: Google Updates Quality Rating Guidelines -EAT

Title Tags Contains Faulty Locations

The fact that Google has begun a webmaster help forum discussion is leading to a lot of complaints. A discussion where publishers can command awareness concerning poor title tags in SERP. 

Following this, a complaint from the publisher has revealed that Google is rewriting title tags and applying wrong locations. Additionally, associating the wrong location in the SERP title will not generate the required traffic. As a result, the user will not click on the search result if a city location is incorrect.

The forum post says:

“Hello, the latest change to titles is not properly representing the ‘brand attribute’ of the title. You are appending – AAA Northern California regardless of the location of the search. This business operates in multiples states outside of the Northern California region. CTR has dropped significantly in these instances.”

Google Altered Titles Related To Health

The release of Google Title Tag Update has a damaging influence on the health sector. Google is independently altering the title for the sites that mention some illnesses. In particular, it is adding the word vaccination in all title pages irrespective of its content.

Google Title Tag Update
Google Title Tag Update

See also: Google Link Spam Update Is Done Rolling Out

Inaccuracies Related To Capitalization

Furthermore, another casualty found in the latest Google Title Tag update is the inaccurate capitalization in the SERP titles. On 21st August 2021, search marketer Jennifer Slegg took to Twitter, mentioning Google is manipulating the capitalization of the title. She states that it leads to the inconvenient appearance of the words. 

Jennifer writes in her tweets that there are countless titles available online with no capital letters, not even for the first letter. Besides this, she even confirmed the web page code and discovered that the inaccuracies in the capitalization do not exist on the page. Apart from this, the inconvenient appearance of the title is the mishap of Google’s algorithm.

Google Title Tag Update
Google Title Tag Update

Was Google’s Title Tag Algorithm Hastened?

Numerous complaints are being received mentioning faults in the Google Title Update. Subsequently, the conclusion is that the update was not completely examined. There are thousands of search quality ratings present in Google. Thus, it is essential that some of the faults should have been resolved before the update came out. 

Above all, is this a hint that Google is a little overconfident in its algorithms?

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