Google Indexing Speed: Key Factors Include Quality And Popularity

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As the digital world is expanding daily, so are the websites that are popping up. However, all the websites need help with the same problem: slow indexing.

Getting quick indexing on search engines like Google is essential for any website to rank higher and derive traffic, and it will give it the required exposure and help it expand. But do you know what determines the Google indexing speed and how you can turn it in your favor?

If not, look nowhere because you have arrived at the right place. Here you will get to know many untouched aspects of website indexing. 

High-Quality Content

Yes, you read it. High-quality content is the ultimate king and can win you a high rank on search engines. Also, this is the prime factor that can make your Google indexing quick. However, there is a catch here.

Here we are not referring to a website’s written content, as there is more than just it. Generally, content is only textual information or an article. However, it is not the case.


When discussing a website’s content, we refer to its other components. They can include overall website performance, design, image quality, and layout. Also, here we can involve the page crawling speed.

All these things determine the quality of content that ultimately leads to fast or slow website indexing, depending on the quality.

Popularity Can Win The Game

Another critical factor that can win you the fast Google indexing speed is the popularity of your website. Generally, your website will gain popularity after getting a higher rank on search engines.


However, recent trends tend to decline this fact and have shown that even first-hand popularity can help you. For fast Google indexing, you can take the help of social media sites or social media marketing.

When your website is popular on social media, then your website can rank higher and index quickly on search engines. Therefore, I will get the quick Google indexing. 

Don’t Forget Backlinks

When you are working for high-quality content and gaining popularity, then don’t forget backlinks. Although the first two factors can contribute significantly, backlinks are equally essential.

Getting quality backlinks from already high-rank websites is like yelling in front of search engines about your credibility. Therefore getting quality backlinks are essential for fast indexing on Google.

Technical Health Of Site

However, you can’t afford to miss the technical health of your website. Technical health is also essential, along with your high-quality content, the popularity of your websites, and good-quality backlinks. By that, we mean optimizing your website according to the search engines.

We can count a website’s page speed, code, and structure; search engines check these for indexing and crawling speed.


In this article, we have learned about Google indexing speed. Now that you have the solution to index your website faster, you should start working on them all. 

See Also: Improve the quality of content.

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