Google On Percentage That Represents Duplicate Content

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John Mueller from Google wanted to know if there is a certain proportion that people may use to figure out if their content might be considered duplicated or not. John stated that there is none, and he inquired how one might measure something of this nature. Here in this article, we’ll be looking at “Google On Percentage That Represents Duplicate Content.”

Bill Hartzer posed the query, inquiring as to whether or not Google even tracks the phenomenon of duplicate content and wondering whether there is a percentage that indicates it.

In response, John Mueller stated, “there is no number,” and then inquired, “how do you measure it anyway?”


What Do You Mean By “Duplicate Content”?

The term “duplicate content” refers to material that is either entirely identical to or pretty much identical to other websites or other pages by the same domain.

There are instances in which the information is identical word for word, suggesting that it was maybe duplicate from one page to the next.

In other contexts, the term “duplicate material” refers to content identical to that located on another page. It’s possible that the information has been new, but you should still consider this nearly duplicate content.

See Also: Link Worthy Content

How Does Google Identify Content That Is Duplicate?

Over a few years, Google has maintained a remarkable consistency in its approach to identifying instances of duplicate material.

He started the video by saying that a lot of the stuff on the Internet is duplicates. He also added that this is a common occurrence in the online world.

It is crucial to be aware that if you look at the stuff on the internet, somewhere in the neighborhood of twenty-five to thirty percent of all the material on the web is duplicate content.

Some people would copy a portion of a blog post and then link back to the original post, things of that nature.

He did clarify that Google won’t penalize material for being duplicate. A lot of it is unintentional and without a spam purpose.

According to him, the quality of the search results will suffer if they are caught for duplicate content.

duplicate content


First, always keep in mind the importance of original and distinctive material. If you build the content of your website. It reduces the likelihood of any instances of duplicate content appearing. Second, make sure you don’t overlook the overall SEO audit in addition to the continual verification that you’re performing.

The problem of duplicated content is one of several factors that go into Google’s page ranking algorithm, and while it is a significant one, it is not the only one. Thirdly, if you want to use another person’s work on your website, for example, by posting a quote, credit the original author and maybe redirect them to another website.

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